Thankyou for Applying to be a part of the Sydney Application Program

What Happens Now?

This flowchart will give you an idea of what happens now through till placement with an employer.

Flow Chart for Student Application Process:

  • Students complete an application form and submit online
  • Email sent to student to indicate successful registration.
  • Email sent to student to arrange phone, skype or face-to-face interview (usually within 48 hours). VET teacher/coordinator is copied into this email.
  • Interview is set up and carried out at an agreeable time.
  • Student profile is developed based on application information and interview responses.
  • Student profile is forwarded to host business to assist in decision making process
  • Successful students are emailed relevant paperwork, employer signatures, handbooks etc
  • If not already achieved, students complete online work readiness Certificate for their relevant industry.
  • Students are asked to supply feedback based on their placement.