
As a Teacher…
As a teacher of a VET course we welcome your support in making Sydney Access a successful experience for all partners involved. We know that you are keen to see your students obtain quality placements to enable them to apply and develop the skills they are learning in their VET course.
These placements are ideally suited for students in Year 12 who have successfully completed a preliminary work placement and have refined and developed further skills to be able to work in a highly skilled workplace environment.
What placements are available?
We are currently offering placements in Hospitality, Business Services, Information Technology and Entertainment in the Sydney CBD area, with a selection of placements from businesses and government agencies.
Students in non-metropolitan and rural and remote areas of NSW are encouraged to access placements through the Sydney Access program. Responsibility for student travel and accommodation rests with the student’s family.
Available placements
All placements in Sydney Access will be arranged by the coordinating Work Placement Service Provider (WPSP) – AusSIP.
Click here to find out what is currently available for your students.
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